The Wits Radio Academy has built relationships with a number of community radio stations over the last few years. These have been built mainly around the co-production of a number of public interest talk shows. The academy is now planning to take these relationships to the next level, building a network of stations who partner with each other around the production of quality radio programming. The exact shape of the arrangement will be subject to how each station sees its core needs as, for a healthy functioning radio station.
• Mount Ayliff (close to the KZN Border) – Alfred Nzo Community Radio
• Grahamstown (Rhodes University) – Rhodes Music Radio
• Empangeni (Richards Bay) KZN – ICORA FM
• Bloemfontein (Free-State) – CUT FM
• Alex Fm (Gauteng)
The co-production model has focused on quality talk show content that was introduced and piloted on Voice of Wits and through training and support, stations are assisted to realise their own content along the different programmes. These programmes have included Law Focus, Science inside, Abafundi, but also current affairs programming training, aimed at honing in on skills by community volunteers and employees to generate reputable stories and content, with no fear or favour.
We Offer:
• Co-production on talk programmes
• Station Management Support Services
• In house training and development