A workshop on the Ethnification of the Ethiopian Media discussed the role of the media in ethnic tensions in Ethiopia.

The workshop, which was held at the Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, was organised to discuss the results of a study on the Ethnification of the media. Commissioned by Fojo Media Institute and International Media Support (IMS), the study was authored by Associate Professor Terje Skerdal (NLA University College, Norway) and Dr Mulatu (Addis Ababa University).

The study revealed that media practitioners were deeply concerned about the significant trend towards more polarisation fuelled by ethno-nationalistic media of different origin and ownership, vis-à-vis federal-Ethiopian channels.

The previous stronghold of the federal state media (EPRDF-supportive) has been overtaken by a fragmented state media structure with growing significance of regional mass media agencies. Journalists are beginning to form alliances along regional and ethnic lines, said Prof Skjerdal. 

The workshop was organised by Ethiopia National Media Support (ENMS) and Bhair Dar University, in collaboration with Mersa Media Institute, Editors Guild and the Ethiopian Community Radio Broadcasting Association (ECRBA) – with support from Fojo-IMS. 

Download the full report: https://fojo.se/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/11/Media-and-Ethnicity-Final-report.pdf