A wise person once said that a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. The life of a student is usually one where expenditure exceeds the funds available thus making budgeting all the more important.

We start the show with the Business Wrap with Desiree Raghubir from BDO Wealth Advisers. In our 60 Seconds Corporate Sell we have Thabisile Mbhele who is a specialist recruiter from Afrizan Cadet Academy.

In the main conversation for this week, we chat to Katlego Pilusa, creative strategist from Student Village, about student spending trends. We take a look at student financial planning

In the technology era we live in, it is only right that we take a look where apps fit into this picture by chatting to Juan Labuschagne from Stash Mobile App.

Tune into the show live on VoW FM 88.1 in Johannesburg or stream it on vowfm.co.za. All shows can be found on journalism.co.za/business and are produced by the Wits Radio Academy.

The Business Buzz is presented by Mudiwa “MobbJustice” Gavaza and Onkemetse Seremo and produced by Khazimuliswa Ndlovu, Eric Mphumbude and Ontlotlile Kalebe. Our executive producer is Elna Schutz and Technical Producer is Kutlwano Serame.


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